Spiritual Direction Ministry offers A Cup of Life: Six-week group prayer experience
The St. Thomas More/UNC Newman Spiritual Direction Ministry is offering a six-week prayer experience following Joyce Rupp's classic book, The Cup of Our Life: A Guide for Spiritual Growth. Facilitated by Spiritual Directors Pat Grebe and Cindy Neely, we will begin on January 21, 2025 and conclude our group prayer experience Feb. 25, 2025.
Two times offered: Tuesday mornings from 10-11:30 AM in person in the St. Teresa room at St Thomas More or 5:30-7 PM via Zoom.
There is a limit of 10 participants for the in-person sessions and 20 participants for the Zoom sessions. A minimum of 8 participants is required for each session. The cost of the series is $35 plus the cost of the book that can be ordered from your preferred bookseller.
We will each choose a favorite cup. This same cup will be the symbol we will pray with for the six-week duration to ponder our inner journey.
The cup is an apt image for inner processes of growth. It will be a reminder of spiritual thirst for God and how that thirst for God is quenched. In the cup we will see life, with its emptiness, fullness, brokenness, flaws and blessings. Whatever our cup holds, it must eventually be emptied out so that something new can be poured into it. This prayer journey and group experience will support you in opening your heart space to make room for the God who calls you beloved.
Please register below for your preferred time. Write a check out to 'St. Thomas More' and mail to Cindy Neely at 814 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro, NC 27312. Questions? Contact Cindy at [email protected]. We will acknowledge receipt of your registration.
We hope you will join us for this community spiritual formation prayer experience.