My Dear People,
Our Return to Jerusalem Taskforce has been in the process of evaluating what steps would need to be taken for us to be able to safely celebrate Mass outdoors and indoors when allowable. The taskforce presented their report to me last week, and I am satisfied that we have a good plan to again gather for the Eucharist.
I am happy to announce to you that we will be having an outdoor Mass on Pentecost Sunday, May 31 at 9:15AM in English and 1:30PM in Spanish. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. It is an appropriate day for us to come back together for communal worship. The Mass will take place in the area behind the gymnasium. We will livestream this Mass for those who are unable to attend.
We will communicate with you prior to the Mass about all the details that you will need to know. Please know though that you must wear a mask for Mass and at all times while on campus, and you should not come if you are at risk, which according to CDC includes: feeling sick or have a sick family member at home, having problems with breathing/coughing, are immunocompromised, may have been exposed to COVID-19, are 65 years old or their caretaker, or have a chronic condition
We will evaluate how things go at that Mass and then announce what our plans are for the future. If by Pentecost we are allowed to have Mass indoors, we will communicate that and change our plans. We have planned for both outdoor and indoor Mass.
Fr. Chris and I are greatly looking forward to gathering with you, our dear people, again for the Mass. We miss you and we love you.
Fr. Scott McCue
Please click here for Guidelines on coming to outdoor Mass