“Can I reserve a room?” This is a question that Janeth Araiza, our Administrative Assistant for Scheduling and Sacraments, receives regularly. Among Janeth’s many duties is overseeing reservations for all of our parish facilities, and she receives daily requests for use of the meeting rooms on our Main and our South Campuses. Every week at our staff meeting, we review each event on our parish calendar for the upcoming two weeks to prevent conflicts and potential scheduling problems. On a recent Wednesday night, almost every meeting space on our two campuses was in use.
Why am I telling you this? All of these things are signs of a parish that is alive and has embraced the call to discipleship. Parish meetings and events that take place throughout our campus range from those of a spiritual nature to service to faith formation. Our facilities also serve the local community. Duke University’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute;
Voices, the 100+ member Chapel Hill Chorus; and Alcoholics Anonymous are among the regular community groups that use of our facilities. Our parish is one where there is always something happening. The parking lot is often full at night. With all of the activity here, I wonder sometimes what local citizens think of this place as they drive by every day. I hope that they see us as a church that is indeed alive and well.
We are blessed to be a part of this parish where there is a demand for space, a community that puts faith into action. We do not face the reality of some parishes in other parts of the country that have merged, or are facing possible closure. The Catholic Church in eastern North Carolina is vibrant! And it is vibrant because of the engagement of its people—because of you. Through all that we offer at St Thomas More, people encounter Jesus, grow as His disciples, and share their talents, resources and faith with others.
There is so much to take advantage of here at St. Thomas More. We have many opportunities for you to become more engaged in the life of our faith community. I invite you to explore our parish
website. Among our
Ministries and Groups, discover where God may be calling you to delve a little deeper into your faith, or where your interests might serve another’s need or provide opportunities for fellowship with other parishioners.
We are a large parish, but our small groups and ministries and the bond of shared interest help us to feel we
belong and, through that connection, to grow in knowing and loving God and one another. Relationships form and enrich a community. Whether they start from or result in a request to reserve a room, I am grateful.