Dear Parishioners of St. Thomas More,
I wanted to let you know of an important change to our plan to resume the full weekend Mass schedule in the church this coming weekend, June 6-7. Upon the recommendation of the experts on our Return to Jerusalem Taskforce, we will continue to celebrate our weekend Masses outdoors. We had very successful outdoor Masses on Pentecost. Staying outside on the weekends for a little while longer will allow us a safer place to gather a larger group of people than inside the church. We will monitor conditions in the coming weeks and decide when we will return to Mass inside the church. While we are celebrating Mass outdoors, we will also be moving the Mass in Spanish from 1:30PM on Sunday to 6:00PM on Saturday evening due to heat concerns. Once we are back in the church, the Mass in Spanish will move back to 1:30PM on Sunday. We will continue to livestream the Masses. If the forecast calls for rain on Saturday and or Sunday, we will still livestream the Masses from the chapel with only essential ministers present.
Our weekday Masses will continue to be celebrated in the church. The weekday Mass schedule for the month of June is:
Monday: 12:15PM
Tuesday: 5:15PM
Wednesday: 12:15PM and 5:15PM
Thursday: 12:15PM in English and 6:30PM in Spanish
Friday: 5:15PM
As a reminder, you continue to be dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass. Please also remember to wear a mask and observe social distancing on campus.
We are continuing to learn and adjust as we go along. Thanks for your patience as we strive to do what is in the best for the health and safety of you, our dear people.
In His Love,
Very Rev. Scott E. McCue, V.F.