"Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done wondrous deeds." (Psalm 98:1)
Chair or Contact Person
Joan Troy, (5:15pm & 11:15am Mass Cantors), 919.942.6233, [email protected]
Barbara Reynolds (9:15am Mass Cantors)
Pavelid Castañeda(7:15pm and 1:15pm and Spanish-Speaking Mass Cantors), [email protected]
Mission Statement/Purpose
Cantors lead the congregation in singing during the Liturgy. In particular, they present the Gloria, the Psalm, the Gospel Acclamation, and the service music during the Eucharistic Prayer. Cantors occasionally introduce new music to the congregation, often at the beginning of a new Liturgical season. Additionally, they provide music for weddings and funeral Masses. Cantors are high school age and older.
Major Activity
Cantors play a vital role in our community prayer experience by leading the congregational singing at all weekend Masses, Feast Day Masses, weddings, funerals, and other special liturgies. Along with members of the Celebration Singers and the Schola Cantorum, Cantors also participate in small vocal ensembles to perform more advanced works such as “Hodie Christus Natus Est” by Francis Poulenc and the Passion from the Gospel of St. John by Arnold Friedrich. Repertoire such as this is often presented in the context of special liturgical feasts in order to further enhance our community worship experience through music.
Meeting Frequency
Cantors do not have formal rehearsal times. Cantors meet with accompanists at mutual convenience.
Meeting Venue
In the Church
Estimated Time Commitment for Volunteers
Each cantor generally sings for 1-2 Masses per month. Cantors may also sing for occasional weddings and funerals.
Special Skills
Cantors should be vocally proficient. Prior experience is recommended. The ability to read music is strongly recommended.