The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in their document Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry, outlines three important goals for the formation of young people. While there are so many good curriculums out there for high school youth, it's nearly impossible for a single program to address the unique needs of every parish communtiy in working towards these goals. For this reason, St. Thomas More has chosen to develop a diverse curriculum, pulling material from a variety of different sources, and allowing catechists to choose what works best for their unique group of young people. Under the careful guidance of our Faith Development Team, we've curated resources for our catechists from curriculums such as Chosen, LifeTeen, Decision Point, and many more!
This curriculum is designed to provide the essential intellectual and spiritual catechesis that is critical to Sacramental Preparation. The goal of this kind of catechesis is to bring about a personal encounter with Jesus. It is teaching for conversion. The final result is not a classroom full of smart students, but a peer group full of followers of Christ. Each lesson has been carefully designed with this aim in mind.
Below, you'll find a list of topics covered in our Confirmation and Sacramental Preparation programs:
First Year Preparation (9th/10th graders)