Every year at this time, Holy Mother Church sets aside 40 days for Christians all over the world to Pray, Fast and do works of Charity with the hope that this discipline will help us make major decisions and choices for our growth in holiness. This holy season of Lent is meant for intense preparation towards the celebration of our salvation. Of the three pillars of Lent, prayer and fasting are more personal but I will like to share with you what your donations are used for in fulfillment of the corporal works of mercy— namely, coming to the aid of the poor and needy.
My apostolate with the poor could not be possible without your support, so I want to acknowledge you as the person using me as an instrument to reach to the needs of the poor. I am therefore trying to use the season of Lent to intensify this apostolate that you are doing through me. As I sit down to write this report, I can feel and see how God is using you to bring comfort to many poor people. For me, I see my work and your support as a miracle because I can’t understand how I am able to get this enormous cooperation from you and at my own level, the joy and fulfillment in helping and transforming the lives of so many people. My life is being shaped by my closeness to the poor and the ability to help them. In other words, the work through which you have engaged me by your support defines my mission as a priest and the source of my happiness. Thank you so much for being a gift of God to me and the poor people.
As I write this letter, my mind draws closer to Kawe Adobi, whom your donations have helped greatly in her operation and her current upkeep. This is the same with Kweku Peter Paul, whose health is not stable. I spend so much on his health needs. Three months ago he could not talk but a week ago he has now become fluent in his speech, and just a week ago he told me for two months he has not been able to go to toilet defecate). Having purchased the prescribed drugs for him he can now attend to natures call with ease.
With the HOUSE OF BREAD almost complete, some of the young people I am helping come to stay for some time before going back home. Michael Haruna received support from me to enable him to complete his Senior High School, and he is now waiting to go to the university or training college. Michael is currently living at the HOUSE OF BREAD, helping to give food to the poor when they visit the house. At the same time, Michael is teaching Ophilia Anyanwo who dropped from her primary school when she got pregnant but now has registered to write the private basic certificate examinations. Alex Agura is a cripple from the village of Namoo 50kms away who comes to stay in the HOUSE OF BREAD often, since his parents are all dead. I myself retreat to the HOUSE OF BREAD for a rest and to prepare my sermons and other talks since the parish is very busy.
Since the beginning of Lent, I have been able to visit the family of Aputeri Atanga, whose house fell during the raining season, to provide food for their own consumption and help feed workers to mould the bricks for the construction of a new house for them. We started constructing the house for Kweku Peter Paul and his family, since Kweku lies in a veranda in his sick state. The family is about fifteen living in one room. Plans are in progress to construct a house for Afia Atabazoya, a homeless woman with four children. I have two homeless lepers in Chiana, my former parish, who have requested shelter, so I am in the process of seeing how to support them. I first have to visit them and find the location of the building before I provide raw food for cooking for those who will be helping in the work.
John Kennedy Ayikode is a medical student in his sixth year in Russia but lost his father last year. I happened to bless the marriage of his father in church. After the death of the father who was an employee of a government department and was paying for the education of his son, things became difficult for him. The mother of John’s father (paternal grandmother) together with her children i.e. the brothers and sisters of John’s father, decided to prepare the letters of administration to collect the son's entitlements whilst neglecting John and even deleting his name. We have sent the case to court and hope something positive will come out of it. In the meantime, I send him some support from your donation as he complains that he is finding it difficult to cope with the financial difficulties in Russia.
The financial report will give you the picture of the number of poor who benefit from your support, ranging from widows, aged, sick, blind, cripples, lepers students and orphans.
ROOFING SHEETS………………………3POCKETS @ GHC 300.00 EACH =GHC900.00
WINDOWS AND DOORS…………………………………………………………………..GHC 450.00
WORKMANSHIP FOR ROOFING……………………………………………………….GHC 200.00