The South Orange Rescue Squad (SORS) community CPR and First Aid program is currently seeking individuals interested in becoming AHA CPR instructors. SORS is a volunteer rescue squad that has been serving Orange County since 1971, providing ambulance services, EMS training, and technical rescue services that include confined space, high angle, and swiftwater rescue.
As part of our mission to educate the public, SORS established a CPR Program in 2006. Our 20 volunteer American Heart Association (AHA) Instructors teach Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers, Heartsaver CPR & AED certification classes, AHA First Aid classes, and CPR for Family and Friends. In the past four years, SORS has taught CPR to more than 3,000 Orange County citizens for free. Similar classes often retail for $60-$90, but we are proud to offer this life-saving knowledge at no cost. Our CPR program has also taught members of both the Boy and Girl Scouts, Orange County Emergency Services, the U.S. Forest Service, the North Carolina Supreme Court, Orange County Foster Parents, and the UNC School of Medicine.
CPR and First Aid program applicants will need to attend a SORS CPR class as an observer, attend an interview with squad members, take a 2-hour online AHA class, and attend a day long CPR Instructor Class in May. All CPR Instructors commit to teaching at least 6 CPR classes through SORS each year. SORS will cover all costs, and all class donations go to SORS. Applicants do not need to be currently certified as AHA instructors.
This application cycle ends April 20, 2015. To download the application, visit Application instructions are shown below. If you have any questions about the CPR and First Aid program, please email
[email protected].
Application instructions:
Download and fill out the SORS membership application at ( Do not fill out the “EMS Certification” section of the application.
If you are already certified as an AHA instructor, include a photocopy of your AHA instructor card in your application.
Include a photocopy of your driver’s license and criminal record (obtained from State of residence or online).
Attach two letters of recommendation attesting to your character,ability to work as a team member, and capability for teaching CPR.
Mail all application materials to the following address: