The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More Welcomes our newest members!
Burlington: Jose & Irma Centeno and children, Lester & Litzy
Carrboro: Elena & Scott Freburger and child, Jacob
Chapel Hill: David Martinez & Lourdes Muñoz Lopez and child, David; Otto & Josephine Chabikuli and children, Imani & Ujamaa; Jen Bucknell & Mark Belk; Kisha Rivera and child, Noah; Bob & Elaine Sterner; Magdalena Martinez Sanchez
Durham: Jose Dominguez & Alma Ruiz and child, Ian; Ramón & Nayeli Zepeda and child, Emilio; Shaun & Hallie Butler; Nadia Penaloza & Jovany Garcia and children, Ruby & Jazmin; Yesica Rivas; Jorge Sanchez & Margarita Coronado and children, Emily, Jose & Isabella; Vanessa Bartolo Silva; Sara Bartolo Silva; Silvia Aguilar; Ana Varela Aguilar
Hillsborough: Rodolfo Sanchez
Members who have recently left the parish:
David & Kathy Siefken; Judith Matos; Sam & Jill O’Kane family
“The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace! Numbers 6:22-27