The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More Welcomes our newest members!
Chapel Hill
Amelia Lopez Rivera
Sara Meyers & Spencer King
Natalie Viernes
Russ Fleming
Jose Tovar & Virginia Udave and children, Litzi & Dilon
Tricia & Jim Sanders
Charlotte Bell
Eduardo & Megan Prieto and children, Sebastian, Julian & Carolina
Anthony & Jennifer Sofo and children, Anthony & Nicholas
Sua & Keith Herl
Esteban Aguacata Hernandez & Reyna Laja de la Joya and children, Saya, Alexi, Kervin, Angel, Ryan & Keila
Anthony Applewhite
Carlota Beracasa
Stefanie Denning & Andrew Howell
“The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace! Numbers 6:22-27