Jon first discovered the practice of contemplative prayer in his late teens. In earnest he soon cultivated a daily practice, one he’s explored for over thirty years now. His practice of spiritual direction is rooted in contemplative prayer and centers primarily around the tradition of St. John of the Cross, St. Theresa of Avila, and the unknown author of the Cloud of Unknowing. He also shares deep spiritual affinity with St. Francis, St. Dominic, and St. Ignatius, and he is deeply inspired by the science and spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin and Ilia Delios.
Through discovering and exploring a daily practice of contemplative prayer, Jon has learned to navigate the daily struggles and hopes of life, family, and community through deepening his relationship with the Holy Trinity. He brings the fruits of his own practice to hold sacred time (kairos) and sacred space for the other—namely you, to help you discern the presence and guidance of God in your own life, and to help you cultivate and bring forth the fruits of the Spirit.
Are you struggling to discern God’s guidance or presence in your life? Would you like to deepen your relationship to God? Bring clarity around your own faith walk? Strengthen your capacity for daily prayer? Or desire to uncover your authentic self—the uniqueness God put inside of you? If yes to any of these, and you desire spiritual direction, Jon would love to hear from you.
Jon is a layperson, married, and a principal software engineer who received an Individually Structured BA in Imagineering from the University of Colorado, Denver in 1998. He resides in the town of Chapel Hill and is a parishioner at Newman Parish at UNC.
Jon meets with directees at the Newman Catholic Student Center.