Rosemary received her certificate to practice spiritual direction from the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, PA in 2012 and her certificate to guide the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius from the West Virginia Institute for Spirituality (WVIS) in 2013. Although all of her training has been within the Catholic faith tradition, Rosemary has had experience with spiritual direction of individuals of many different faith traditions, no faith traditions and those searching for personal spiritual growth and clarity. Though most of her work has been with individuals or couples, Rosemary is also experienced with group work and would be open to meet with small groups. Individuals seeking spiritual growth, a closer relationship with God and a faith-based journey through life’s transitions presently make up the bulk of Rosemary’s practice. She lives and practices in Raleigh, and meets with directees in Durham at Holy Infant Catholic Church and in Chapel Hill at St.Thomas More Catholic Church.