"Serve the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful song." (Psalm 100:2)
Chair or Contact Person
Joan Troy (Interim Dir. of Music Ministry)
email address is below
Mission Statement/Purpose
The Schola Cantorum is the choir that serves the 11:15am Mass and all major feasts from late August through June. Repetoire includes an extensive selection of sacred works, from Renaissance motets to contemporary works. Members are high school age and older.
Major Accomplishments
In addition to a wide range of Anthems selected to open up the Scriptural readings and themes of the Feasts and seasons of the Roman Catholic Liturgical year, the Schola also presents several additional concerts. Special repertoire has included the Franz Liszt “Via Crucis”, Theodore Dubois “Seven Last Words”, Ralph Vaughan Williams “Five Mystical Songs”, Antonio Vivaldi “Gloria in Excelsis” and Wolfgang Mozart’s “Litany of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar” K243.
The choir regularly sings the appointed Communion Antiphons, either in contemporary settings of the 2010 text from the Roman Missal, or the traditional Latin settings from the Graduale Romanum. The choir is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music [RSCM].
Meeting Frequency
The Schola Cantorum rehearses every Wednesday night from 7:00-8:30pm and sings every Sunday morning at the 11:15am Mass, from late August through June. The Schola Cantorum also provides the music for all major feasts and Liturgies, including Christmas, Ash Wednesday, the Triduum, Easter Sunday, and Thanksgiving. Additionally, the group often prepares programs of special music and advanced repertoire 2-3 times per year.
Meeting Venue
In the Church
Estimated Time Commitment for Volunteers
The average commitment is roughly 3 hours per week.
Special Skills
Members should have a pleasant singing voice and good ear for hearing pitch. Reading music is not a requirement but is helpful. Instrumentalists are welcome and encouraged to join in singing as well as playing their respective instrument.